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Wednesday, 17 January 2018



The amount of rubbish that covers Britain is a subject that’s bothered me for a while.  I’ve only been back to the UK for a few short visits since I left in 2006.  The impact the amount of rubbish has is immense.  The country looks disgusting.  It looks like no one gives a care.  I was going to write “gives a shit” but the amount of shit accompanying the rubbish would make that phrase a false one.  It is such an easy fix; but then today I was reminded again why everything is as it is: I witnessed a few minutes of PMQs.

It makes you so proud.
A toadying “would the right honourable lady agree that she’s bloody great and this country is bloody great?” question greeted me.  Then Jeremy Corbyn stood up, asked a question, Theresa May blamed Jeremy Corbyn; Jeremy Corbyn made a statement and sat down, Theresa May pointed out that this was PMQs and he needed to ask a question; riled, Jeremy Corbyn stood up angrily stated that he had asked a question (in his head) and then asked another question, Theresa May started to blame Jeremy Corbyn and then I switched off.

I did not care.

These were the leaders of the country.  It was pathetic.


“Oh, Simon, It’s just theatre!”  It’s poor theatre, provincial am-dram full of hams, glances to the wings and butchered lines.  The childish name calling and pointing… someone sat to the left of Theresa May, bloke, couldn’t give you a name, kept mouthing “behave, behave” at one point.  It was too much to stomach.  These are elected officials fawning over each other or gainsaying one another with exaggerated indignation.  These are the people who are handling the single most important transition period in British history since, arguably, the start of the Cold War.  This adolescent bunch of vague unscrupulous voids?  It’s ridiculous.

No wonder people walk past rubbish.  Rubbish is such an easy fix.  These could not implement an easy fix if it came with easy-to-follow instructions.  

Where’s the leadership?  

Why can’t it be better than this?

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